Dr. Sklar does not treat any forms of cancer or dispense prescription medications to treat cancer or side effects of oncology treatments. Dr. Sklar’s treatment methods for various side effects of cancer treatment are based on over 12 years treating patients with such side effects and successful outcomes. Any information posted on this site does not create a patient physician relationship, nor does there any intent to contradict conventional treatment of cancer or any medical standard of care that any patient is following. If  information on this website brings questions and concerns to anyone, site visitors are recommended and encouraged to talk to their primary physician. Moreover, if you are a cancer patient and decide to consult with Dr. Sklar about your pain and quality of life issues, please be prepared to sign a medical release so that Dr. Sklar may have access to your most recent medical records to offer you the best possible care he can.

List of Contraindications for chiropractic care with cancer patients:

  • Low platelet Counts (under 50)
  • Region of pain with space occupying lesion
  • Treating in an area 5 segments above and below metastasis.
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis