One of the most important missions of the human nervous system is to fight gravity at any cost in hopes of maintaining and protecting the integrity of the human spine.
The irony is that humans voluntarily fight gravity to wreak havoc on the very same precious spine!
This pugilist effort to disrupt our posture ranges from passive sitting to aggressive entertaining athletic activities.
One main principle of biomechanics is the brain’s goal to bring balance and harmony to the human frame. The way this is accomplished is by using muscles to help keep the head even on the shoulders, so the eyes are parallel to the horizon. If one’s head is uneven to the horizon, the challenges of daily life would become quite insurmountable.
When the eyes are parallel to the horizon or the ground, one can get through their “to do list” more effectively than if their body were off kilter.
The state of being “off kilter” is the most common complaint that chiropractors hear.
The brain uses the low back as the body’s center of gravity. From there, the spinal muscles are recruited to keep the eyes parallel to the horizon.
A good example of spinal distortion is kyphosis, the state of a person with a humpback
. You will always notice that whether a kyphosis or scoliosis is present, a person’s head will still be upward, so their eyes are even to the ground (allowing the person to navigate their world as effectively as possible).

Simply put, the brain uses the spinal muscles from the back to the neck to maximize the way humans fight gravity.
Now consider yourself certified to teach this simple principle of spinal biomechanics.